July 8, 2008

We're Back!

Actually, we scooted in on Sunday evening. Tired and cranky. Me not included in the cranky part, of course!

Yesterday I was lazy very tired from lack of sleep on the trip. Pickle insisted on sleeping on me instead of next to me. So, outside of a load of diapers, catching up on some blog land reading and playing puzzles, I didn't do a whole lot of anything.

I did, however, find a recipe that I think will be added to my Pantry Pleasers file. I'll make it again in a couple of weeks to see if we like it as much the second time around. I'll keep you posted.

I'm doing a bit better in the motivation department today. I've made pancakes, sorted laundry, started actually washing the laundry, vacuumed the carpets and am now posting this. Not bad compared to yesterday at this time!

I've got lots of photos that need some editing that I'll try to get up this week--unless something like painting, choosing flooring or just sitting in my chair gets in the way. We'll see. I'm committing to nothing.

Have a great week!