Daddy's birthday falls just after the ranch he works for during the winter closes for the season and just before he heads up to the farm for the summer.
We have a cookout each year to celebrate.
This year, we walked down to the horse corrals after dinner.
The kids and the daddies calling to the horses.
Uncle K making sure that Punky and Pickle are petting safely.
Learning to feed the horses. Keep your hand flat! Those big ol' lips will do all the work.
Pickle, after much practice, found that sticking her tongue out to show the horse what to do worked best of all.
A turn on the bull barrel was in order. Buckaroo went first.And, of course, what brother can do, Punky can do too!
Lesson: when placing children on a bouncing, swinging barrel, have the youngest go first so that she doesn't see the older ones get bucked off! I got one photo before Pickle started screaming!
What does your family do after an evening meal outdoors in the spring?
Cole--you're welcome for me not posting your photos on the bull barrel!
Also, I have another post in the works showing the other amazing thing we did down at the corrals.
May 26, 2009
May 17th :: Celebrating Daddy's Birthday
Filed under: Family, Great Outdoors