November 13, 2008

Sortin' Beans

I wonder how many hours of my life I've spent sorting beans. You?

While the girls took nappies today, I cranked out some prep-ahead food for the freezer.

Six pounds of elk burger, browned, seasoned, bagged and in the freezer.

Two quarts of vegetable broth bagged in two cup increments frozen flat for easier storage.

One giant roasting chicken (7.74 lbs. it barely fit!) cooked in the crock pot. Waiting to be disassembled in the fridge. I'll make stock tomorrow.

Six cups of grilled, diced chicken tenders bagged in two cup increments.

Two pounds of black beans soaking, waiting go go into the crock overnight.

Three pounds of pinto beans soaking, waiting to go into the crock tomorrow.


So, why did I list this with Pantry Pleasers? All of these foods are ones I keep on hand in my 'Frozen Pantry' to help make meal prep/clean up go faster on a daily basis. Without many of these ingredients on hand, our favorite Pantry Pleaser recipes wouldn't be possible!

Do you keep foods/ingredients cooked and frozen in a 'Frozen Pantry?' What about main dishes?