I believe that Monday and Tuesday were abducted. I have no physical evidence to prove this theory, but it has to be true. Days just don't disappear. Do they?
Moving on.
Happy Veteran's Day yesterday. I'm so thankful to live in a country where I enjoy so many freedoms. This past week, between some posts/articles I've read and my Bible Study, I've been quite convicted of how often I take these freedoms for granted. Most specifically, my freedom to worship as I choose. In the open. With no real fear of persecution. I got to thinking about the number of years people have worked so diligently to provide this security yesterday . . . I can't wrap my brain around the number of men and women who have given their time, their lives even, so that I can stand up and proudly proclaim the name of Jesus whenever and wherever I please. The words thank you don't even begin to express the joy that singular freedom brings.
Pickle and I went to see my Aunt M and Cousin J at Grams' and Gramps' house on Monday. They're visiting from Colorado where it snowed five inches at their house that morning. They were very happy to be here in our mid-seventy degree weather. My Aunt B brought her great-granddaughter A over to play with Pickle. A is about 8 months younger than Pickle. They had a lot of fun playing blocks and eating Great (or Great, Great for A) Grams' butterscotch chip cookies!
My Man purchased a new point and shoot camera for his deer hunt. (Pickle has misplaced his other one. I'm sure it will turn up in a few months. You know, like her Crocks turned up in a camo bag that houses the Coyote Call. I really don't know why we didn't look there first.) We went with a Canon PowerShot A1000. It takes some nice photos. I've even managed some good flare (sun spots):
Hope your Wednesday is all you dream it will be!
P.S. If I can figure out how to edit a short video today, you'll be blessed with a little Spiritual Ditty on Rainbow Sins later this week. Look forward to it.