June 10, 2008


Or something like that. Math was never my strong subject.

Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that X+Y does =Z.

If X equals one almost-two-year-old who has a) decided to communicate primarily through whining and b) has decided to use the big girl potty like her cousin Punky, and Y equals one six-and-a-half week old puppy who has yet to figure out that the great outdoors is her potty, then Z equals one crazy stressed out mamma.

Oh, and we're planning on having around 30 people over on Saturday to celebrate that whiny, potty using, almost-two-year-old actually turning two next week. Add to that making a Watermelon Party Dress yesterday, babysitting tomorrow and making all the food from scratch; it's been a long week and it's only Tuesday.

How is your week going?