May 27, 2008

Sarah . . .

. . . YOU ROCK!

So, as usual, I'm not happy to let things be . . . and, once again, Sarah at Real Life has helped me with tips, tricks and fixes to HTML.

Here's a rundown of what I did, because I'm sure you all are just dying to know . . .

Sarah replaced some HTML code for me so that I could insert a custom header.
Sarah took out the Navbar at the top for a cleaner look.
Sarah gave me the correct code to insert a background print.
Sarah gave me the code to remove the black bars between the sidebars & posts.

So, as you can see I couldn't have done any of this without Sarah!

The only thing I can really take credit for is changing the header, subtitle and buttons. I'm not sure I'm thrilled about them, but they'll work for now!

Tell me, what do you think and how long do you think I'll be able to leave it this way???