February 25, 2008

We're back. He was successful. I'm going to have to eat crow. I mean javelina. Gulp!

We're back. We had a fabulous, eventful weekend!

We got to our campsite around 10:30 Thursday night, leveled the trailer, unloaded the chairs and stuff, made up our beds, checked the sky, said, "Nah, it doesn't look like rain." and went to bed.

We woke up to this:

When it became obvious the rain wasn't letting up, we decided to drive up the mountain to one of our favorite, historic towns. Once we started up, we saw this:

This was Pickle's first time experiencing snow! Here's Pickle and her Daddy catching the snow on their tongues. (Can someone give that Man a haircut, please?)

Needless to say, My Man didn't get any hunting time in on Friday. Luckily, we woke up to this on Saturday morning. See, no real trees to speak of. For a girl who loves to camp in the mountains and pines, this can be rough.

Pickle and Tipper were so happy to get out and RUN!

This is Tip. He's about 13 years old. He is our desert dog. Someone dumped him in the desert when he was about 8 months old. We took him in, got him healthy and have absolutely loved him ever since!

Sorry, I took a dirt road there about the dog.

Sunday was cloudy again, but the rain held off until after My Man shot a javelina sow. He apparently learned from our butcher that in order to make the meat more edible, you have to field dress the animal differently. My Man followed his instructions and took the meat in to the butcher. Bob the butcher is making sausage and chorizo from the meat. It seems I am going to have to try eating it again. I'm prepping my taste buds and steeling my stomach now. If you're squeamish about hunting, scroll down fast or close your eyes. There's a dead (but not bloody) javelina in the next shot. This is my dad and My Man posing with the javelina. The quality is lousy because the camera is lousy. The rifle is a lever action .307. It belonged to My Man's dad who died in 2001.

At last, I leave you with a family photo. Well, sort of . . .