January 2, 2009

Favorite Things: 1/2/2009

Yikes, that's the first time I've written 2009. Where did the 80's go?

Knitting. I know I've only known how for about a month, but really, this is fast becoming a favorite thing.

First up, a short scarf for Mamma. If you know me, you know I have a cold neck. And ears. And nose. And hands. And feet.

Anyway, I decided to focus on the neck issue. I love scarves, I have lots of them, but they're all l-o-n-g. A long scarf while you're chasing toddlers and cleaning and sewing and doing dishes and stuff is a big pain in the patootie.

So, instead of another long scarf, I came up with this. A wool-acrylic (washable) short scarf in a basic K2, P2 rib stitch. It's just long enough to tie around my neck and tuck in the ends.

If Mamma has somethin' Pickle thinks she needs one too . . . so here's her little 'Mistake Stitch' scarf. This was super quick and easy, made from leftover yarn from another project about three years ago. Fun!

And now, for my first real project: a neck cowl. This is knit in the round on circular needles and has a pattern row of yarn over/knit two together to create the little holes. Much more advanced for a novice like me . . . and I have only found three mistakes so far!

This is what I really wanted when I knit the short scarf, but knew I needed to just practice, practice, practice for a bit first.

Also, I was waiting for my invitation for Ravelry to come. If you haven't heard about Ravelry, let me tell you it is my newest (like I needed another) way to eat up hours at a time, usually late at night while I freeze in my poorly heated office. It is a community of yarn crafters who share projects and patterns. It is SO MUCH FUN! I have so many patterns saved in my favorites and a few too many in my queue as well!

If you knit or crochet, check it out! In order to join, you have to request an invitation and wait a few days for it to come in your email. This is because it is completely run by a lovely couple and their dog. The dog just can't do everything at once--he has no thumbs!