June 1, 2008


This is the current book that has taken over my every spare moment. And some not so spare ones too.
We got a boxer pup, of course.

I didn't want another dog. Supposedly, My Man didn't want one either. He's the one who told me about six months ago (before having to put Patches down) that he wanted to stick with one outside dog and one small inside dog. I said that was FINE with me. Besides, I didn't want to deal with training a puppy.

We've been offered puppies since then, but My Man, he was able to refuse. Until yesterday. He had to work yesterday. One of his employees brought in two female boxers.

He was smitten.

He sent me pictures on the phone.

I finally called him to see why.

He didn't even ask.

I could hear it in his voice.

I always know.

Here she is.

Now I'm smitten too. So smitten, I'm posting a picture of myself.

As for Miss Pickle. She loves her so much that when she woke up at 5:45 this morning, she was asking for Lucy.

They were so sweet playing together last night . It looks like Lucy is going to love water.

My man. He is a happy man.

Miss Lucy. She is a happy dog.