March 31, 2008

Sunset in the Wild West

We spent the evening before and the afternoon of Easter out in the desert between home and Chickenburg. Most of the family was camping out; we opted out in lieu of going to church on Sunday morning.

Papa H. has a Joyner (souped up golf cart type thing) and we went out for a ride on Saturday evening a little before sundown.

These are my favorite shots.

Whenever you're out toodling around in the desert, you're bound to run into one or two of these guys.

And at least one of these. Remember: always close the gate.

One of my favorite things about the desert is how a dead looking plant can put on such beautiful leaves and flowers overnight.

I love the way the sun glows in this one . . .

This one too . . .

Finally, I love the silhouette of the saguaro cacti at the crest of the hill.